Kathy Sokolic

Year End Stats

Here are the latest price data for Mueller home sales. I know it’s not technically the end of 2017 yet, but it’s near enough to call it (despite there being two more resale homes entering the Mueller market in the last week).

Average List Price Of Mueller Sold Homes in 2017: $604,513

The median sold price for a Mueller home was lower at $584,900. The maximum list price was a shade over $1m, and the minimum was $215,000 (Affordable Program).

How Much Mueller Home Do You Get For Your 2017 Money?

The median list price per square foot was $282 and the average was $276 and the average and median sizes were right around 3 bedroom 2,200 square feet homes.

The above data was taken from Multiple Listing System sales for the last 365 days, and includes all housing styles within Mueller excluding the Greenway Lofts as the low rise condos there are a different kettle of fish. Given that the builders don’t always enter new homes in the MLS, these statistics aren’t exhaustive.

How About the Greenway Lofts in 2017?

These low rise condos sold with an average of 815 square feet for $431/square foot. There were only 9 sales, admittedly a turnover of nearly a quarter of the building, but stats on such a small number are subject to larger deviations.

Are Mueller Prices Still Rising?

They were rising steadily. There’s a bit of a waver now in the charts.

Mueller is coming along to ten years old now and list prices were steadily rising. The chart on the right shows just detached housing but the picture for all housing styles is a very similar story.

I’m not overly concerned by the big dip in 2017 – that seems to be one of the builders selling several homes that were about 300 square foot over the average all at once and the price per square foot being lower for those models.

Are Buyers Paying Full Price for Mueller Homes?

If you get the right agent on your side, then of course not!

If you split the housing styles into condos (again not including the Greenway Lofts in this), town houses and detached houses, you can see the following.

Town Houses – for the most part in 2017 buyers were getting minor concessions of around 2%. Ish.

Condos fared pretty well – they mostly attracted full price sales. Which you might not expect for condos in the main. Condos at Mueller are a little different though – there aren’t that many and they are larger and more house like in design.

Detached Houses remained strong, mostly attracting full price offers or better. Until the end of the year when things started to slow.

Are We Drowning in Mueller Inventory?

Eighteen homes on the market seems high at first – five resale homes and the rest new builds. And then there’s the ones that are being built that the builders don’t have on the MLS.

If you take a look at the chart below of all housing types, we don’t have a huge surplus compared to typical levels of homes for sale. Sixteen sales have been recorded in the last 90 days at Mueller, so you might extrapolate and say we’ve got just over three months of inventory at Mueller. That’s a very rough approximation at best. Nevertheless we’re not inundated with homes for sale.

What we have been inundated with (in my opinion) is very, very optimistic list prices by some sellers. So there have been a few corrections.

How Much Should I Sell My Mueller Home for in 2018?

I’m glad you asked – get in touch and we’ll give you an indication of pricing in the current market. Choosing a pricing strategy is one of the key decisions when marketing your home. Too much and you sit on the market looking unloved, and too low and your friends all tell you you’ve shot too low when you receive multiple offers without asking what the offers are.

Can I Negotiate With The Mueller Builders in 2018?

Negotiation is a subject very dear to our hearts, and the answer depends on the builder and how things are going. We’ve seen concessions and incentives with some of the builders. It costs nothing to give us a call, and it costs nothing for us to represent you in any purchase. If you get in touch we can shoot you straight.

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