Kathy Sokolic

What’s Living At Mueller Like?

Rather than me describing life at Mueller, I put a call out to some neighbors to see if I could get their perspective on their lifestyle. With no further ado, here are some thoughts from one of the pioneers.

Living in Mueller is like living in a village in eastern Europe. Well, not exactly but it’s close. If you look at the close proximity of the homes, the aesthetic appeal of garages in the alley and the walkable vibe you’ll understand what I’m talking about.
We were the one of the first residents to move into Mueller in November of 2007. Although I’m a native Texan, my husband and I had lived for many years in NYC. We longed for a dense walkable community for our health, kids and the environment. Yes, we traded in the idea of a big yard for a little one. But like a city you have to look at the big picture. We didn’t just buy a house here. We bought a piece of a village.

Every night we hang out on our porch, play the guitar and watch the kids play. We never know who will be walking by but it always turns into a spontaneous “hang”. Getting together with neighbors is easy, it flows. Sure you can plan dinner dates but really if you feel like socializing you just walk outside. And although we don’t have huge acres of land to ramble on, we have beautiful greenbelts and parks in every direction you point your nose.

And it’s only getting better. The Children’s Museum is coming and our “green” HEB. I’m living for the movie theater and more local restaurants to get here. But in the meantime, we will be on our porch chatting with friends.

You can read more from Catherine Berry at her blog. If you think that you might be interested in living at Mueller get in touch512.215.4785

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