Kathy Sokolic

Mosaic Martek / Market

Mosaic Market has now been open for over a month, with the grand opening on June 1st 2013. Here are a few shots I took back in May. Nav has added a whole bunch of other things since then – and has sandwich combos and more! He really seems to listen, and isn’t scared of offering things that you don’t typically find in a smaller market. Personally, I like the selection of beers – it means I probably won’t head down to the Monarch in Cherrywood much any more.

Mosaic Market is in the ground floor retail space of Mosaic – the luxury apartments by the traffic circle next to the food trailers by the Browning Hangar.

The Basics:

Why do I call it Mosaic Martek? Before the grand opening in June, the owners were getting the store ready and had a soft launch. Given that I share an office in Mosaic, I took the time to go in and take a few photos. I noticed the advertising banner said “Now Open Mosaic Martek” and posted it on the private Mueller Residents Facebook page. I don’t mean any offense by it – I think it’s a cute spelling mistake. Austin is full of them, and weird pronunciations.

address: 4600 Mueller Blvd #1001, Austin, TX 78723

opening hours:
Mon – Thu: 06:00 – 23:00
Fri – Sat: 06:00 – 00:00
Sun: 06:00 – 23:00

goods: booze, snacks, organic food, sandwiches, coffee (the first non-mobile coffee shop in Mueller after Elixir at the Hangar!), hardware, convenience items, food, staples like bread, cheese, eggs.

the competition:

Given the impending Elements at Mueller, there’s going to be no shortage of foot traffic for the store. For more information about Mueller Austin Homes for Sale, please get in touch.

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